Paul Gross news archive

July-December 2006

PLEASE NOTE: Links in this news archive are not updated and information may be out of date

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29th December

If you're in the UK, don't forget that tomorrow (30th) is Due South Day on ITV3, and you can watch some of your favourite episodes all day long, followed by the world premiere of the documentary "Southbound" at 7 pm, featuring interviews with cast and crew members.

20th December

For Canadian viewers, Showcase is having a Slings & Arrows fest on Christmas Day - series 1 in the morning, and series 2 in the afternoon/evening. Thanks to Peggy and Maria for the news.

14th December

According to the Christmas editions of the UK's TV Times and Radio Times, ITV3 is showing 'Southbound', the due South special documentary, on 30th December at 7 pm not 10 pm - although the ITV3 website still says 10 pm.

9th December

due South is back on TV in France! It's on RTL9 at 12.40 pm starting on Saturday 9th December. Merci à Régine!

5th December

For everyone who couldn't get to the English Theatre "Artist In Society" celebrity speaker event at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on 15th November, here's the podcast. Thanks to Marsha Ann for the heads up!

1st December

More on the ITV3 due South Day for UK viewers - it is confirmed as 30th December, starting at 8 am. Thanks to Carole for the news!

30th November

UK viewers are in for a treat! ITV3 is airing a due South special called 'Southbound', reuniting the cast, on the 30th December at 10 pm (or possibly 7 pm). The announcement is here. Thanks to Erin for letting us know, and if we hear about this being shown in any other countries we will, of course, pass on the news.

We have also heard on the grapevine that ITV4 ITV3 is planning a due South Day in the next few weeks, so it's possible the two things are related. Please let us know if you hear anything more about this!

25th November

Filming of "Trojan Horse" is taking place in London, England, this weekend (no Paul, though) and if you're as excited as we are about seeing the sequel to H2O, here are a couple of recent Toronto Star articles you might find interesting - Just another state of the union (.pdf) and Tom Skerritt has face value.

6th November

And the Gemini goes to Slings & Arrows for ...

Thanks to Felicity, Nancy and others for the news!

balloons31st October and the PG-L mailing list are eight years old today!

Paul will be the English Theatre "Artist In Society" celebrity speaker at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on 15th November. Thanks (again) to Wendy for the news!

28th October

Many thanks to Wendy for telling us about this excellent page at - it's full of multimedia clips about Slings & Arrows, including some great interviews and glimpses behind the scenes. Warning: some of the video files are large and can take several minutes to download. If you don't want to install Quicktime to play the files, we have found that VLC, a very much smaller program, will also do the job.

If you're in Toronto, "Trojan Horse" is filming near you. Thanks to Mari for these photos from downtown yesterday, and if anyone else spots any more filming activity, please send us your pictures!

And thanks to Jeff for letting us know that Paul Gross appears to have finally made it into a video game, "City Of Heroes". Screen shots here and here.

7th October

Many thanks to Felicity for the reminder that Slings & Arrows III starts in the UK at 9 pm on Sunday 8th October on digital channel Artsworld (Sky 267).

Broadcast times
Sun 8 Oct 2006 9pm - 9:45pm
Mon 9 Oct 2006 11pm - 11:45pm
Sun 15 Oct 2006 9pm - 9:45pm
Mon 16 Oct 2006 11pm - 11:45pm

6th October

Slings & Arrows season 2 will be released on DVD on 24th October, and is available from and (Ordering via these links helps us with website and mailing list hosting costs.)

5th October

The DVD of CBC's recent series Hockey: A People's History, narrated in 10 parts by Paul Gross, will be released on 7th November and is available now for pre-order at

The DVD is a 6-pack containing all 10 eps of the series in English and in French, plus more than 200 minutes of bonus content including behind-the-scenes features; historical hockey featurettes, extended interviews with hockey greats Gretzky, Dryden, Bowman, Cherry, Wickenheiser, and with Tom Cochrane; directors' commentaries. Widescreen presentation and 5.1 Dolby Digital sound. French and English eps are close captioned. English eps are also described video. (Thanks to Maria for the details!)

3rd October

News about "Trojan Horse" (the sequel to H2O) from various sources, including Holly, Carole, Maria and Jennifer: filming has been taking place for a couple of days in Milton, Ontario (more here) and Martha Burns will appear as the ex-PM's ex-wife. Thanks to everyone for this, and to Maria who found an article about filming "Trojan Horse" at Playback. They have an impressive cast lined up!

14th September

Reminder: Hockey: A People's History begins on CBC on Monday 18th September at 10 pm EDT. Paul Gross narrates throughout this 10 hour series.

10th September

For UK viewers, Artsworld is having not just one, but TWO 'Slings & Arrows Sundays' on the 24th September showing back-to-back episodes of Series 1 (Hamlet), and on 1st October showing all of Series 2 (Macbeth). Tune in at 9 pm, and many thanks to Erin for the heads up! More details on page 6 of the downloadable Artsworld magazine.

9th September

Due South The Complete Series Boxset (Region 2) will be released on 23rd October and is available to pre-order now from (Ordering via our link helps us pay for website and mailing list hosting.)

8th September

Felicity writes: The Artsworld site now has timings for the showing of the first episode of Slings & Arrows season 3 in the UK:

Sun 8 Oct 2006 9pm - 9:45pm
Mon 9 Oct 2006 11pm - 11:45pm

The synopses of the episodes are also shown so be careful if you don't want to know. (Thanks Felicity!)

31st August

Many thanks to Carole, Anne and Maria for this news about Gemini nominations for Slings & Arrows Season 2:

  • Best Dramatic Series
  • Best Direction in a Dramatic Series
    (Peter Wellington: Birnham Wood)
  • Best Writing in a Dramatic Series
    (Susan Coyne, Bob Martin, Mark McKinney: Steeped in Blood)
  • Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role
    (Mark McKinney: Steeped in Blood)
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role
    (Martha Burns: Birnham Wood)
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role Dramatic Series
    (Rachel McAdams: Season's End)
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic
    (Susan Coyne: Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair)

23rd August

Thanks to Wendy for this news from today's Globe and Mail:

Hockey, A People's History, started out as a good idea and has now taken shape as a 10-episode documentary series that will begin Sept. 17 on the CBC. It's clearly a high-end production. Actor Paul Gross provides the narration. The content includes expensive re-enactments as well as commentary from a bevy of persuasive and, for the most part, qualified observers of the game.

22nd August

こんにちは日本! Thanks to Shirochan for the news that Due South (series one) is starting again on Sunday 27th August in Japan.

19th August

Mick writes from Australia:

"Just writing to give you the heads-up that Due South Season 1 has hit Region 4 DVD. It can be ordered via,,, and probably picked up in-store at certain outlets like Target, K-Mart and Big W."

17th August

Thank you to Anne for the news that Slings & Arrows has picked up four Directors Guild of Canada award nominations. These are for best TV series drama, direction, production design and picture editing. (The Canadian press are reporting five nominations, but we can see only four listed at - let us know if you spot the one we've missed!)

5th August

Thank you kindly to Vicky who has spotted that Slings & Arrows 2 can be pre-ordered from (in addition to

1st August

ATTENZIONE ITALIA! Due South (series one) is starting again on Monday 7th August at 1300 hrs on La7. Thanks to Chiara for letting us know!

31st July

You can now pre-order Slings & Arrows season 2 on DVD from - release date 24th October. (Ordering via our link helps us with website hosting costs.) Thanks to Maria for the news!

28th July

Claire is putting together a petition that she would like to send to Paul Gross to encourage him to make one more episode of due South. If you would like to join in or get more details, with your full name and town/city/state/area and country and she will add you to the list.

25th July

Very many thanks to Mari for sending on this news from Sky Customer Relations about Slings & Arrows in the UK:

"Season 2 will commence broadcast on Artsworld from 12th August, Saturdays at around 10 pm. I am happy to advise that Season 3 has, for the moment, been scheduled for 8th October - 12th November. However, may I point out that scheduling is subject to change. I hope this helps and thanks for taking the time to contact us at Sky."

24th July

Many thanks indeed to Clare for this:

"There's a nice (~8.5 minute) interview with Paul Gross on at the moment. It comes up with the details for Slings & Arrows on DVD. He talks about Slings & Arrows, Rachel McAdams and a bit about Passchendaele/his favourite war films."

23rd July

Slings & Arrows (final season) begins tomorrow and there is a trailer at Movie Central. Thanks to Felicity for the news.

21st July

The third and final series of due South on Region 2 DVD is now available to pre-order from - release date 4th September 2006. Ordering via our link will help keep this website afloat!

17th July

Reminder! There is a rare opportunity for UK viewers to see Gross Misconduct (1993), for which Paul Gross wrote the award-winning screenplay. It will be showing TONIGHT on Reality Extra (Sky channel 152) at 9 pm and again at 2 am.

9th July

Maria writes: "Starting this Monday, July 10 on the CBC at 8pm ET, Life and Times (1 hr) will feature William Hutt, who is starring as Charles Kingman on the upcoming season 3 of Slings & Arrows. The exact content of the program is unknown but will likely cover Mr. Hutt's entire career. There MAY be some reference to Slings & Arrows but that is not certain. The show will also be repeated on Newsworld. Also coming later this season on Life and Times is a segment on Robert Lantos who has funded and supported Paul in his career. The schedule for upcoming shows can be found here."

8th July

More good news for The Netherlands - due South is on RTL 4 at 12.55 pm on Sundays. Thanks to Kim for this.

6th July

Slings & Arrows 3Go to Eclipse Magazine to read an excellent Slings & Arrows DVD review by Carole Gordon, who has written many of the reviews of Paul's work that you see on this site. (The DVD is available from and

Advance Australia Fair! Thanks to Yoli and Fiona for letting us know that due South season 1 is about to be released on DVD!

And finally, many thanks to Felicity for sending the news that TMN's Slings and Arrows website now contains details of the third and final series which premieres in Canada on 24th July.

1st July

Slings & Arrows season one is being rerun on Artsworld in the UK starting at 10pm on Saturday 1st July (that's today). Thanks to Jenna for the news!